Wednesday, 20 July 2011

My Hot-End design and other details.

It's about time I updated and wrote about this.

In the past I write about various Hot-End failures, so I designed my own hot end which still works and I still use from time to time.
That Hot end works well but is VERY Dribbly, resulting in rather untidy prints.

I put together an updated standard Reprap hot-end :
This also failed. The PTFE split where it screws into the Brass Nozzle.

Several design ideas later I found a combination that prints cleanly and is strong enough.

The Nozzle is unchanged from the standard reprap design.

The PTFE has a shoulder turned onto it at 10.5mm dia X 4 mm long.

The PEEK is drilled to 8mm then 10.5mm approx 6mm deep.

The PTFE sits inside the PEEK block supporting it.

 The Heater I make 8 mm thick, rather than 10mm. It's Pictured here with resistor and Thermistor installed.

This has proven a strong and resillient Hot-End.
I have made and sold a good few of these with no complaints.
You will find these hot ends on sale at


  1. Hi

    I like the look of your extruder and see its available from emaker as you say for £50 but they don't show a version with smaller nozzle say (0.3) on a 1.75 filament, how do I order that?


  2. the link is bad, it's get you to:

    instead of

  3. It looks like very reliable estructure... congratulations.
    I have a problem, my standard Nozzle is non-operative, how could i get one?.

    Best wishes.
